Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Against Time

I was in a pub just over a week ago, off Victoria Street in London, with my mate Andy. Andy is a top bloke and a great athlete currently training for an Ironman Triathlon in June. At the moment he is pumping in the miles on both the bike and in the trainers in a bid to be on top of his game when he heads down to the south coast of France to compete in June.

We then started talking about swimming and Andy confessed that this is not something he has been doing a huge amount of in the winter and that putting the three together and racing in three months is beginning to concern him. When you see his training plan and records of what he has done its difficult to believe he can have any self-doubt. He will storm it!

This got me thinking as I often feel the same with Ultra’s and for me at least I only have to put one foot in front of the other. Its fine to do training runs of 10 to 20 miles a few times a week during the winter but come March and a quick look at the calendar always shows there are less pages to turn than there were at Christmas when entering the events seemed such a good idea.

A couple of weeks prior I was at a networking breakfast and the discussion was about the do’s and don’ts of starting a business. One, of the many, great suggestions was to eat elephant. When you have to do something start it and just get going. This is so like training, you may not get it perfect, but you have to start somewhere and when you look back the accumulative effect of all those training runs, and in Andy’s case rides, will only be known during the hard stages of a race.

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